Sunday, June 17, 2012


Religion. One of the most controversial topics to debate on. Nonetheless, I shall continue. Religion has its good points and its bad points. And I'm not talking about one religion, I'm talking about religion as a whole. Religion is the binding force that brings people, belonging to one religion together, it inspires them, it instills faith in them, they have something to believe in. They pray, they beg for forgiveness, they have a spiritual bond with the God they believe in. I believe that it is through religion that salvation is reached, and it is the path that ultimately leads to Allah's happiness. Religion has so much significance that I wouldn't do it justice by writing just a short note about it.

However, religion has a negative aspect too. Religion causes fights, and a superiority complex. I'm not saying everyone who belongs to a religion has it. Some people. Ofcourse, everyone is proud of the religion they belong to. And ofcourse, it's obvious they believe in it quite firmly, otherwise they wouldn't be a part of it. But the part, that I don't like, is that no person belonging to a specific religion should point fingers at someone who belongs to another religion, and say they're wrong. They might be wrong, no doubt, but noone has the right to disrespect anyone's beliefs. Everyone believes in what they want to believe, Allah's given us that free will. But I believe that no one should say outright that someone else is wrong. That causes fights, that causes doubts, that causes fights, wrath, anger, rage. Even if a person believes someone else is on the wrong path, the least we should do, is to tell them what we think is right, and leave it to them, instead of saying they're wrong, and they should be condemned. It's their beliefs, and whether they choose to make a Heaven or Hell out of it, it's their choice. But I believe no one has a right to point fingers at someone else. The quote from the novel "Religion causes wars, it breaks apart countries. It causes people to point fingers at others. It is just a petri dish for stereotypes to grow in. Religion is not about being holy, it's about being holier than thou" is true to an extent. It is true that people who think they're superior over everyone else, due to belonging to a specific religion, will condemn others. It is true that they judge. It is true that they think that only they'll go to Heaven. And I believe that is wrong.

All I ask for, is to practise the religion we belong to and do our best to achieve salvation, instead of condemning others, and thinking we're the only right ones. All it takes is a little humility.

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