Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Humanity has in fact become a minority

Today I read a tweet which said -
@KhizerrMalik: That moment when you realise that in your country, not Shias and Ahmadis, but humanity is a minority.

Reading this statement, I realised it was completely true. I agree all of the religious and ethnic minorities are and have been considered minorities and have not been given their due rights. I agree to that because being an Ahmadi Muslim, I have not been given the rights which the state was supposed to provide to me. Shias are being slaughtered everyday. There has been so much hatred incited against Ahmadis that it is now common to condemn them to death on social and printed media. Christians are scared for their life and 70 percent of them are cleaning gutters. Hazara communities are massacred so frequently. Hindu women are raped and then forcefully converted to Islam even though the Quran clearly states that there is no compulsion in religion. And let's not even talk about atheists. 

We, as a nation, don't believe in humanity anymore. This is not about different sects or different religions anymore. This is about humanity. And this is about the value of a human life. This nation has absolutely no value for a human life. People are dying every day on the basis of sects, religions, petty disputes or matrimonial issues. People are even dying because of a personal matter which is supposed to be between them and Allah. People are dying because of their beliefs. People are dying because of their faith. 

On the other hand, people are also dying because of domestic violence. Honour killings are very common in rural areas, committed because a girl was found with a cell phone or because people thought she was talking to a boy. Raped women and girls have also been murdered because they are not 'pure' anymore. As if it is their fault that they got raped. 

Petty disputes are leading to murders. Normal domestic fights lead to murder and slaughter. Kids are killed. Wives are murdered. Fights over land lead to fights between relatives which usually result in murders. 

Murders and killings are so common nowadays that it has now literally become a norm. Pick up a newspaper, any newspaper, and it will have news of somebody dying before their time. News channels are filled with reports of killings. People have no value for the life of a human. They don't realise that once you take a life away, it does not come back. It's not something you can just go and buy once you've taken it away. It's something which when taken away can never be given back. 

Do these killers have no sense of morality? Do they not have any conscience? Why is it that they think by killing people, they will earn Heaven? Why do they not realise that Islam teaches peace, not hatred, it teaches love and tolerance, not ruthless killings. 

Humanity first. No matter who belongs to which sect, religion, ethnicity, race, caste or creed, they are humans above all. They have value. They mean something. Even if we don't know them personally, someone else does. They are the earning or keeping a family alive. They are the reason for someone's smile, laughter; they might even be the reason for someone's life. 

So before any of us goes on inciting hatred against someone especially on some public forum, we should realise this because if we start with our hate speech, people get hyped up in hatred, because we are a nation who does something first and thinks about it later. People get hyped up and have discussions, form groups, incite more hatred in front of others, which in result causes people to go and shoot said people. So, instead of hatred, promote peace. Promote love.  Promote humanity. Promote - love for all, hatred for none. This is the only possible way to remove all the negativity from our environment. This is the only way to salvation.  And this is the only possible way to live and let live. To not interfere in the lives of others, of what they believe, of what their background is. 

I hope that we go to the world's number 1 peace-loving nation from where we stand right now. I hope we are all teaching other countries and people on peace and love.  I hope all of us are able to remove all sorts of hatred from our hearts and mind and are successful in removing it from the country as a whole as well. 

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