Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PTI's arrogance might have just cost them their votes

Before I start, I should let you all know that I am not a political person. And I never have been. Maybe it's because every time any leader comes into power, they always get addicted to power and money and succumb to greed of possibly everything. So since this has been going on since way before I was born, I have never shown an interest in politics.
However, in the general elections 2013, since I'm working with FAFEN, I have to be politically aware. I have to read newspapers and observe electoral and political incidents taking place in Pakistan. Most of my work relates to recording violence related to elections, but when you're already reading newspapers, you start reading other news as well.
Anyway, so I started noticing this hype about these elections mainly because most of the people my age were voting for the first time so I kept hearing political party stances' from them, asking me to vote for PTI because Imran Khan is the voice of the nation, or support PML-N since Nawaz Sharif had a political background and he's been PM twice already. Regardless of who they supported, everywhere I turned, I saw discussions, slogans, arguments, talk show - there was a certain hype everywhere I looked. It was fascinating and intimidating at the same time.
Since most of my friends were all die-hard PTI fans, I somehow became a PTI supporter, thinking that maybe IK is the change we need, maybe he'll be our savior, maybe he's the leader we've all been waiting for. He was so determined in his speeches and was always talking about a "Naya Pakistan". An energetic vibe flew every single time he gave a speech.
Until the day he publicly announced that he would not support and/or protect Ahmadi rights and that he does not want them to vote, and he does not intend to change the 1973 constitution, according to which they have been labelled as non-Muslims. Regardless of what they believe in, if you want to lead a country, you have to take everyone side by side, you just don't get to leave anyone behind. You don't get to royally screw a community who has already been persecuted enough times already and now because of your stance, even more hatred is being spread against them. You don't get to do that just to make sure you get more votes and you are more popular for spreading hatred against minorities. Singling out a single, persecuted is just not done.
This just not end here. Soon after his speeches were less of a motivation for Naya Pakistan or how he intends to change Pakistan, and were more about how corrupt Nawaz Sharif was and how he is going to suck people's money into a black hole. Every word he spoke was a hate speech against PML-N. Even if PML-N were doing the same thing (and I don't appreciate that, either) but if people are looking up to you, and supporting you cause and your party, you should have the decency to give them the motivation they need instead of fueling their hatred.
Election day came and PML-N stood victorious. Yes, there was a lot of rigging in a lot of areas, but I have read about at least, AT LEAST 50 difference incidents in which PTI workers or supporters created violence or disrupted peace during and after polling. Is that the change you're bringing to Pakistan? If you can't control your own supporters and workers, how can any one expect you to control a whole country?
And maybe people really did not vote for PTI, because a day before the elections, I heard a lot of people commenting about how arrogant Imran Khan sounded and how he already thinks he has won even with the controversial statements that he has been making. I heard a lot of people vowing not to vote for Imran Khan because of his attitude and his way of dealing with specific political issues. So, technically many of the registered voters did NOT vote for Imran Khan and PTI.
I know this sounds more like a hate post about Imran Khan - but it's not. It's just a post from a citizen of Pakistan who had been motivated by what she expected would be a new emerging leader, who has sorely disappointed her.
All I hope is that Imran Khan realizes that he needs to put his act together and instead of making hate speeches against people, unite everyone under the same flag regardless of their race, caste, religion and status and emerge as a united nation. And THAT will be the day Pakistan itself emerges victories.

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