Thursday, September 12, 2013

This is for you

This post is for a friend. A friend with a story, a friend with heartbreak, a friend who's going through a very tough phase in their life. This is for you, you know who you are. But this is also for some other people as well, who're going through a rough patch in their lives, I can't possibly name all of them here, but I think all of you know. This is for everyone who's going through the downs in their life. My heart goes out to you all. 

Life is tough. I know that better than anyone. I lost a father when I was 13, a time when a child usually takes their parents for granted, thinking on they're gonna stay in our lives forever. Brought me back to my senses within seconds. Now I'm struggling, not in material matters. But emotional matters. But this does not in any mean your problems are any less insignificant. Your problems are huge in their own way. Your problems are becoming unbearable for you. You're at a point where nothing seems to be right. The world around you is shaking you to your very core. You're not only questioning life, you're beginning to doubt whether you are important, whether your life is worth living, whether anything is worth it, really. 

You're questioning your talents. You do not trust anyone because you've had your trust broken so many times. You are worried, not only about the future but about the past. You worry you are gonna go through life without making a long-lasting impression on anyone. You worry. You don't sleep at night. You barely concentrate on anything. You feel like no one is there for you and no one ever will be. 

I wrote this for you. I just want you to know how important you are. You're important for your family, especially your parents, who are the only two people who will love you unconditionally, even if they don't show it. You have your siblings, who adore you even if they pick fights with you all the time. You have your friends. Yes, a lot of them broke your trust, a lot of them betrayed you, yet others were never true friends. But you have friends who love you to the moon and back. You have friends who can't live without you. You have friends who miss your company and realise instantly when you're not there. And lastly, you have me. I may not be much of an important part of your life, and I may not be able to imagine the pain and hurt you're going through, but I'm still there to try and cheer you up, to make stupid, funny jokes, to listen to you, to tell you you're worth it. And I won't leave. I'm right here. 

You should know how valuable you are to me. Not because I have some ulterior motive, but because I love spending time with you,  I love sharing my thoughts with you, I love having discussions with you. You aren't a waste of space, you aren't a waste of time, your life isn't that invaluable that you just throw it away like it's nothing. 

You should know how special you are.  You don't deserve whatever is happening to you but you should know that Allah does not burden anyone with more tragedies and burdens than they can bear. And all these rough patches are to make you turn to Him and pray to Him and cry to Him alone. Remember Him in your sorrows, He will turn it into happiness so fast you won't know what happened. 

Last of all, I want you to know that do what you believe in. Don't let others step over you. Because belief and faith is the only thing that you really have. Stand firm by it. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself. And do what pleases you. (Provided it's not illegal or immoral in any way). Do what you need to do to survive. Write journals, blogs, poetry, take up a hobby, learn a new language, go out and have fun, do what makes you happy. And take every new day as a new step. Take baby steps. Figure your life out slowly, there's no rush. And smile. Soon this fake smile will turn into a real one. 

Once again, I am always here for you. Day and night. 

Feel better soon. 


  1. This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I am unable to tell you enough how much better you have made me feel...just by being there and listening to me :]

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is really for me. Thank you for writing it. I don't think me reading this at this time is a coincidence. Reading this has really helped me.

  4. you make the world a better place by being yourself. never change. Be the bubbliest Bub there ever will be.

  5. Hope your friend can understand. Pretty sure these feelings really comes from bottom of heart. Do respect and care.

  6. I think the friend did understand. :) jazakAllah for taking out the time to read it.
